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Takaful Islami Insurance Limited Bangladesh

Takaful Islami Insurance Limited was established in 2002. A group of Businessmen who had earlier launched a Islami Bank in the private sector sponsored the company with 60 million taka capital. Sponsors included shipping magnets, Doctors, Engineers, Bankers, Top Garment exporters and Importers.

Takaful Islami Insurance Limited Bangladesh

Market size of Bangladesh in the non-life sector was Tk. 1,050 million in 1986. It has grown to Tk. 7975.70 million in 2006. The growth of private sector non-life insurance business was primarily due to the drive given and initiative taken by the private insurers in exploring new avenues while to some extent it was due to increase in project value and commodity prices in the international market. The premium income of non-life private insurers would have been much more had the term “Public Property” been redefined to give its exact detonations through exclusion from its orbit those undertakings which had been setup with foreign loan in the private sector and insurance premium thereon was fully paid by the private entrepreneurs. This provision has been hindering the growth of the private insurance companies, as only the Govt. owned Sadharan Bima Corporation is allowed to insure such “Public Property” with its present denotation.

We insure all traditional lines of non-life insurance businesses viz. – Fire & allied risks including flood, cyclone, earthquake, Typhoon, malicious damage, burglary, riot, strike, damage, house breaking, industrial all risks, DOS, machinery break-down, loss of profit, business interruption, CAR/EAR, personal accident including workmen compensation, motor insurance of all descriptions & value, Travel medical & medical insurance including treatment abroad to name a few broad lines.

Paid-up capital of the company is Tk.60.00 million and Reserves including capital reserves stood at Tk.64.39 million as 31st December 2007. Total Asset as of 31st December, 2007 stood at over Tk. 2026.86 million.

Contact :

Takaful Islami Insurance Limited
42, Dilkusha C.A (7th Floor),Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
PABX: 88-02-9570928-30 Fax: 88-02-9568212
E-mail: takaful@Dhaka.net, info@takaful.com.bd


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