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Company Profile:
Salvo Chemical Industry Ltd has been establish in 2003 with a vision to serve the bulk chemical market in Bangladesh. It is a leading Sulphuric Acid manufacturer in Bangladesh. The production of Sulphuric Acid has come to be accepted throughout the world as a reliable barometer of industrial activity. It is used in the process industries from very dilute concentrations for Ph control of saline solutions to strong fuming acids used in the dye, bleaching, explosives, and pharmaceutical industries. Sulfuric acid is not a one-grade product. It is produced and supplied in grades of exacting purity for the storage battery, rayon, dye, tannery, water purification and in grades of less exacting specifications for use in the steel, heavy chemical and super phosphate & zinc sulphate industries. Interestingly to arrest the large amount of pollutant in the automobile axhaust the use of lead acid battery operated passenger cars are on the road where a large amount of Sulphuric acid will be consumed.
Additionally the world is moving towards the generation of power from solar source particularly in remote area where again a large amount of lead acid battery will be in use. Indeed it is not so practical to say that the future of world will be on solar power. Bangladesh is also towards this for its rural/remote areas. To meet the present market demand and future potential Salvo Chemical company has invested more than 22 core for it's manufacturing plant at Sreepur, Gazipur. They employed more then 71 people of which half of them specialist like chemical engineers, chemists, electrical & Mechanical engineer and Business professions.

The company will continue introducing their products which will help them achieving their vision of manufacturing of chemicals. They ensure that they will follow the trust production in every warship of the business.

Company's Mission:
They are committed to the future of this industry and will continue to explore new technologies that promote trade with a global awareness for the benefit of their environment. Their products are amongst the highest quality in the country. They want to exceed the expectation level of their customers and shareholders every day. They have strong marketing capability strong management philosophy and corporate culture.

Their customer’s satisfaction is their success. They maintain and continue the safety level of work process of products.

Company's Plant:
In choosing the technology they considered and integrated chemical complex keeping in mind the economy of scale of production. They opted for the technology which insure the best build in quality assurance their focus on technology is intended to take their company to a standard which would only match with top chemical company of the country.

Contact Information:
Corporate Office:
Senakalyan Bahaban (9th Floor)
Suite No. # 903/B
195, Motijheel C/A
Dhaka – 1000.
Tel: 0088-02- 7124767, 7162135
Fax: 0088-02-7161661

Factory : South Dhonua, Sreepur, Gazipur.

Website: http://www.salvochemical.com


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